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Integrated Environmental Management, Inc. (IEM)

Integrated Environmental Management, Inc. (IEM)is a woman-owned, small business that specializes in assisting both commercial and government clients in the cost-effective management, licensing, and decommissioning of ionizing radiation sources and radioactive materials. IEM has worked with source and byproduct material licensees around the country in addressing regulatory compliance issues, assisting in the development of technically-based compliance strategies, and acting as a liaison between licensees and regulators on regulatory issues. These interactions have included work with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), both at the headquarters and the Regional Office levels, and with many State radiological health organizations. Our personnel have over 30 years of experience with U. S. Department of Energy facilities. We have also worked under the jurisdiction of both the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. We have assisted a wide variety of clients in applying for or updating licenses, improving radiation protection programs, training, conducting surveys/characterizing sites (including implementation of MARSSIM guidance), and assisting in decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) programs. To facilitate activities in the D&D area, IEM maintains a radioactive materials license with the State of Maryland (an Agreement State), which allows us to possess, package, and ship radioactive material as part of D&D activities. This license may be used in any state or at sites licensed by the NRC under reciprocal arrangements.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 6700 Baum Drive, Suite 19
Suite 19
Knoxville, TN
Number of employees:6
Company type:Corporation
subsidiaries:Not applicable

Year created:1994
Capital:U.S. $
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Emergency planning
Licensing - Regulatory
Nuclear liability
Safety Analysis

Cleaning / Decontamination:
Cleaning/Decontamination services
Decontamination for dismantling/decommissioning
Soil remediation (cleaning/decontamination)

Decommissioning/Dismantling of small facilities/laboratories
Initial characterization of installation
Main contractor/design engineer for decommissioning projects
Policies and strategies studies
Social Impact studies
Surveillance and monitoring systems

Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
HP personnel
HP services
Radioprotection planning, analysis and engineering
Shielding engineering and design

Human Resources:
Health Physics support personnel

Health physics
Radiation detection and measurement

Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
Characterisation services
Environmental impact assessment
Repository site assessment and characterisation
Repository site licensing consultants
Waste management consultant & engineering
Waste treament plants safety assessment

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