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PGT Oak Ridge

Princeton Gamma-Tech (PGT) was founded in 1965 to address the high performance germanium Gamma ray detector market and a few years later entered also into the high performance X-ray analysis markets.

In 1998, PGT completed a merger with American Nuclear Systems (ANS) of Oak Ridge, TN, resulting in the addition of a range of MCA's and systems for use with Germanium, Si(Li)'s and NaI.

PGT has a patented technique, Quadratic Compression Conversion (QCC), which represents a new way to do NaI Gamma Spectroscopy. This approach provides for a response that appears more uniform with peaks that are equally well defined.

Quite One technology has also been perfected by PGT to minimize the micro-phonic contribution to high resolution germanium and Si(Li) detectors. This has allowed PGT to become a leader in the production of low noise mechanically cooled detectors.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 303C College Road East
Princeton, New Jersey
Year created:1965
Products: Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Gamma detectors
Gamma-Ray analysis software
Gammaspectrometers/Multi Channel Analyzers
Gammaspectrometers/Multi Channel Analyzers (portable)
X-ray detection and measurement

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