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Teledyne Brown Engineering

Teledyne Brown Engineering's (TBE) Knoxville Environmental Laboratory offers complete radiological analytical services. TBE is an industry leader in providing rapid turnaround time for gamma spectrometry and gross alpha/beta analysis. No matter the size or scope of your project, our customer centered project management team, assisted by a powerful, relational Laboratory Information System (LIMS), will ensure your specific contractual requirements are met. Our focus is on quality and on-time delivery. We have 35 years of experience supporting a wide range of radioanalytical projects including environmental, 10CFR50 effluents, and 10CFR61 waste characterization. TBE Knoxvilles facility has over 25,000 ft2 of laboratory space. This facility is fully equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation to provide a broad spectrum of radioanalytical services to our clients in the most efficient, cost-effective manner possible. We maintain an extensive inventory of nuclear counting equipment including 24 gamma spectroscopy detectors. An automatic gamma sample changer with a 36-sample capacity is available for large, rapid turnaround projects. Our generous radiological license allows for receiving samples in the millicurie range.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 300 Sparkman Drive
Cummings Research Park
P.O. Box 070007
Huntsville, AL
Qualifications:10CFR50 Appendix B, NELAP, DOECAP
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Chemical and radiochemistry

Conventional Inspection and Maintenance:
Robotic equipment/manipulators

Remote handling technology

Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Analytical Laboratory Services
Hot laboratory services
Laboratory services

Power Plant Materials and Equipment (others):

Transport and Containers:
Packaging design and engineering

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