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FBFC-Fuel (Areva NP)

Fabrication of fuel assemblies for pressurized water reactors (PWRs), based on natural uranium (U02) or reprocessed uranium (REPU).

FBFC handles all fuel fabrication operations, from the transformation of enriched uranium hexafluoride (UF6) up to the delivery of completed fuel assemblies. It also produces most of the mechanical components (grids, top and bottom nozzles, and associated components) used in these fuel assemblies, as well as the rod cluster control assemblies used to control the nuclear chain reaction.

Address: 10, rue Juliette RĂ©camier
Lyon Cedex 06
Ownership 1:100% Areva NP
subsidiaries:FBFC International (Belgium)

Qualifications:ISO9002 - ISO14001
Products: Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste:
Fuel assemblies: conventional (PWR/BWR)
Uranium oxide

Transport and Containers:
Containers for fresh fuel elements

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