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International Safety Research Inc. (ISR)

International Safety Research Inc. (ISR) provides services worldwide in the technological areas of nuclear safety, radiation protection, emergency preparedness and response, safety management sytems, and CBRNE counter-terrorism response. ISR helps organizations identify, develop, implement and test the tools and knowledge needed to effectively deal with small and large-scale safety management programs.

Nuclear Safety
* Design
* Probabilistic Risk Assessment
* Safety Analysis and Safety Case Development
* Accident Management
* Licensing
* Training
Radiation Protection
* Licensing and Permits
* Programs and Procedures
* Software Development
* Environmental Impact Assessment
* Surveys and Evaluation
Emergency Preparedness and Response
* Technical Planning Basis Development
* Development of National and International Guidelines, Doctrines and Strategies
* Audits and Evaluations
* Plans and Procedures
* Exercises Design, Conduct and Evaluation
* Emergency Information Management Systems
* Training
Safety Management Systems
* Development and Implementation
* Safety Culture Assessment
* Assessment and Audit
* Training
CBRNE Counter-Terrorism Response
* Procedures and Guidelines
* Assessment
* Training

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 38 Colonnade Rd North
Ottawa, Ontario
K2E 7J6
Number of employees:23
Company type:Inc.
subsidiaries:ISR Europe

Year created:1998
Capital:Ottawa, Canada
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Emergency planning
Human factor
Licensing - Regulatory
Nuclear engineering
Probabilistic Risk and Safety Assessment
Safety Analysis

Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
Dose calculation software
HP services
Radioprotection planning, analysis and engineering
Radioprotection software
Workers monitoring software

Radiation detection and measurement
Training equipment

Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
Environmental impact assessment
Waste management consultant & engineering

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