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Simic S.p.A

With a solid world wide experience , Simic S.p.A operates today in different fields offering the client a complete series of products and services in the design and manufacturing, assembly and maintenance of industrial plants by means of four dedicated departments:

Pressure Equipments
Cryogenics and Vacuum Equipment
Installation and Maintenance of Industrial Plants

Pressure Equipment
This department is dedicated to the design and manufacturing of pressure equipment (Low , Medium and High Pressure ) Manily for petrochemical and Oil & Gas Industries .
High Pressure Vessel
Heat Exchangers
Steam Condensers
SRU(Sulphur Recovery Units)

We employ materials such as carbon Steels,Alloys,Clad Materials , Titanium and Aluminium

Cryogenics and Vacuum Equipment
This dept. dedicated to the design and manufacturing of Cryostats , Vacuum Vessels and High Vacuum Equipment , Employing mainly Aluminium , Stainless Steels, Copper and Alloys.

This Dept. is equipped with numerical controlled machines such as boring mills , Vertical lathes, suitable for machining steel structures up to 30 meters long , 100 tons heavy , 6 meters in diameter .

Installation and maintenance of Industrial Plants .
SIMIC offers a complete installation and maintenance service , taking care of the mechanical , Electrical and instrumental parts and being able to offer a partial plant installation as well as a Turn Key plant. For installation and maintenance , Simic is involved in the following sectors.
Thermoelectric Sector
Naval Sector
Pharmaceutical Sector
Chemical and Petrochemical sector
Food industry
Conditioning and air treatment plants
Steel Mill Industry
Paper Industry

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Via Vittorio Veneto
12072 Camerana (CN)
Number of employees:208
Company type:Partnership
Ownership 1:Giuseppe Ginola 50%
Ownership 2:Ferruccio Boveri 50%

Year created:1977
Qualifications:ASME , ISO 9001 , National Board

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