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IBA Group

IBA activities in a nutshell

IBA delivers solutions of a unique precision in the fields of cancer diagnosis and therapy. The company also offers sterilization and ionization solutions to improve the hygiene and safety of everyday life.

IBA has unique expertise in the design of cyclotrons and in the production and distribution of radiopharmaceutical tracers which are used every day in hospitals to quickly and accurately detect cancer, neurological and cardiac diseases. IBA also offers dosimetry products used in many hospitals for quality assurance in X-ray diagnosis for patient-dose monitoring.

IBA has developed Radiotherapy solutions and dosimetry equipment to treat cancer with the greatest accuracy. IBA is the undisputed leader in Particle therapy, acknowledged to be the most precise and effective clinical radiotherapy method in the selective destruction of cancer cells...

Sterilization & Ionization
IBA is designing electron accelerators and high power X-rays solutions used in many industries to sterilize medical devices, to cold pasteurize food products and to improve the properties of polymers. Over 200 IBA’s Industrial accelerators are used in the world for several decades.

IBA, a Belgian company, is listed on the pan-European stock exchange EURONEXT and its Annual Reports can be downloaded on the Website:

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Chemin du Cyclotron, 3
Access by Rue Jean-Etienne Lenoir 6
B 1348
Number of employees:950
Company type:Limited
Year created:1986
Products: Irradiation / Sources / Accelerators:
Accelerators accessories
Accelerators shielding and health physics
Irradiation services, electron
Irradiation services, gamma
Linear accelerator

Brachytherapy products
Neutron therapy systems
Proton therapy systems
Radioisotopes - Sources

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