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DC White & Partners Ltd.

DC White & Partners offers expertise in mechanical engineering consultancy.
If it can break it will break, usually at the worst possible time! But why did it break, and how can we stop it happening again? We can provide these answers within realistic timescales to minimise the impact upon your business.
Vibration, fatigue, explosions, bad design are just a few of the problems that our engineers encounter and mitigate on a daily basis.
We use everything from hand calculations to the latest powerful software, combined with experience from across the engineering sector to provide practical solutions to complex engineering problems.
We specialise in complex finite element analysis and computer aided design to solve a variety of clients problems. Using software such as Abaqus, Mathcad and Solidworks we are able to assist you with optimising your designs and finding solutions for equipment failure.
We have already helped clients in the automotive, defence, nuclear, pharmaceutical, and water treatment sectors.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Highfield
Pilcot Hill, Dogmersfield
Hampshire, UK
RG27 8SX
Number of employees:7
Company type:Limited
Ownership 1:84%
Ownership 2:10%
Ownership 3:6%

Year created:1987

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