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Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services – planung der grubenbauverwahrung im revier galgenberg [planning of the mine protection in the galgenberg district]
Purchaser: Wismut GmbH
Location: Germany

Repair and maintenance services – marché pour la réalisation de mesures de dihydrogène dans des emballages de combustible usé [carrying out measurements of dihydrogen in spent fuel packages]
Purchaser: EDF SA
Location: France

Jet decommissioning and repurposing integrated tier 1 project delivery resource
Purchaser: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Location: UK

Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) – v218_2024 - be-ia-aot – 1,75 ghz cavity (bessy ii+)
Purchaser: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB)
Location: Germany

Consultant to provide specialist support for the review and update of the australian radioactive waste management framework
Purchaser: Australian Radioactive Waste Agency
Location: Australia

Evaluation of the site selection process for the national radioactive waste management facility
Purchaser: Australian Radioactive Waste Agency
Location: Australia

Service/maintenance of bis, rissd, rove, tps systems, hrs database servers and wepas, webpas applications
Purchaser: Slovenske elektrarne, a.s.
Location: Slovakia

Steel – доставка на метали за нуждите на специализираните поделения на дп рао [supply of metals]
Purchaser: State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SERAW)
Location: Bulgaria

Masonry and bricklaying work – ve 300-050b mobile abschirmungen transportieren und aufbauen [transporting and setting up mobile shielding - assembly of cuboid-shaped prefabricated reinforced concrete parts]
Purchaser: Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH (FAIR GmbH)
Location: Germany

Air filters – доставка на филтри за системи овик за нуждите на специализираните поделения на дп рао [filters for hvac systems]
Purchaser: State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SERAW)
Location: Bulgaria

Replacement of doors (fire protection doors) - atalante facility
Purchaser: CEA Marcoule
Location: France

Fire protection engineering support - rheinsberg plant
Purchaser: EWN Entsorgungswerk für Nuklearanlagen GmbH
Location: Germany

Parts of nuclear-reactor vessels – procurement of additional divertor cassette body series
Purchaser: The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy ('Fusion for Energy')
Location: Not available

Nondestructive remote visual examination services for [the management of cesium and strontium capsule project] w-135 project
Purchaser: Central Plateau Cleanup Company
Location: USA

Setup of a vehicle for the analysis of telecom network coverage
Purchaser: Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
Location: France

Gamma counter preventative maintenance service
Purchaser: Department of Health and Human Services
Location: USA

Vacuum equipment for eic
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Brookhaven Natl Lab
Location: USA

Engineering services – vedecko-technická podpora úradu jadrového dozoru slovenskej republiky počas neaktívnych skúšok 4. bloku ae mochovce mo34 (nove) [scientific and technical support during the inactive tests of the 4th unit of the mochovce npp]
Purchaser: Úrad jadrového dozoru Slovenskej republiky
Location: Slovakia

Radiological monitoring equipment for pedestrians and vehicle entrances/exits (light and heavy)
Purchaser: CEA Cesta
Location: France

Upgrading of instrumentation and control systems, programming services - for gepi-2, beem and pepsie
Purchaser: CEA Gramat
Location: France

Maintenance of compressors - eurex plant in saluggia
Purchaser: SOGIN SpA
Location: Italy

Laboratory building construction work – obras para el montaje de un nuevo laboratorio de microscopía del proyecto incaem del consorcio para la construcción, equipamiento y explotación del laboratorio de luz del sincrotrón [new microscopy laboratory of the 'incaem' project]
Purchaser: Consorcio para la Construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación del Laboratorio de Luz Sincrotrón
Location: Spain

Cybersecurity services
Purchaser: ANDRA - Agence Nationale pour la gestion des Déchets Radioactifs
Location: France

Multi-service and multi-technical management services (lot 1)(?)
Purchaser: ANDRA - Agence Nationale pour la gestion des Déchets Radioactifs
Location: France

Fermilab lbnf [long-baseline neutrino facility] nscf [near site conventional facilities] construction - near detector complex rfp
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Fermilab
Location: USA

Machines and apparatus with individual functions – suministro de dos (2) prototipos de viga para el anillo de almacenaje del laboratorio de luz de sincrotrón alba del cells [supply of beam prototypes for the storage ring]
Purchaser: Consorcio para la Construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación del Laboratorio de Luz Sincrotrón
Location: Spain

Expert witness services – psü lingen [expert support for the assessment of the results of the safety review - lingen fuel element manufacturing plant]
Purchaser: Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Bauen und Klimaschutz
Location: Germany

Machines and apparatus with individual functions – camera de vacuum [vacuum chamber - eli-np project]
Purchaser: Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara 'Horia Hulubei'
Location: Romania

Dry glove box
Purchaser: Department of Energy - SLAC Natl Accel Lab
Location: USA

Apparatus for measuring radiation – planung, fertigung, montage, inbetriebsetzung und wartung einer freimessanlage [free release measurement system (design, supply, install) - rheinsberg plant]
Purchaser: EWN Entsorgungswerk für Nuklearanlagen GmbH
Location: Germany

Refuse and waste related services – vzdrževanje kanalizacijskega omrežja nek in odvoz komunalnega odpada v letih 2025, 2026 in 2027 [sewage maintenance and municipal/conventional waste removal]
Location: Slovenia

Access control services, guard/security services - icsm (institut de chimie séparative de marcoule)
Purchaser: CEA Marcoule
Location: France

Interruptible power supplies – power converters for sis100 chromaticity sextupole magnets
Purchaser: FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH
Location: Germany

Interruptible power supplies – power converters for sis100 gamma-t-jump quadrupoles
Purchaser: FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH
Location: Germany

Glovebox workstations (for sodium testing), 1 set
Purchaser: Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Location: Japan

Nuclear energy consulting services for the u.s. embassy bucharest, romania
Purchaser: Department of State
Location: USA and Romania

Request for proposal for the provision of radiation protection specialist services for a period of thirty-six (36)
Purchaser: Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited
Location: South Africa

Vacuum chamber and components
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Argonne Natl Lab
Location: USA

Dosimetry (nuc)
Purchaser: Department of Veterans Affairs
Location: USA

Replacement of network bays/enclosures and servers
Purchaser: CEA Valduc
Location: France

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