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There are currently 519 Procurement Notices posted.
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Tl/osl [thermoluminescence/optically stimulated luminescence] reader, radioactive source, etc
Purchaser: CNRS - Délégation Centre-Est
Location: France
Code inspection services [plumbing, electric, fire and building code inspection and consulting services for construction projects and existing conditions etc]
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Princeton Lab
Location: USA
9-cell srf [superconducting radiofrequency] cavities / l2cmrb
Purchaser: Department of Energy - SLAC Natl Accel Lab
Location: USA
Architectural, engineering and planning services – accord cadre pour les missions de maitrise d’œuvre des projets immobiliers epr2 sur les sites de gravelines, de penly et de bugey [project management/general contractor for real estate projects]
Purchaser: EDF SA
Location: France
Calibration sources
Purchaser: Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear
Location: Argentina
Design and implementation of i&c systems - maria reactor
Purchaser: NCBJ
Location: Poland
Supply of oxygen-free copper for the construction of the electron gun acceleration structure and metals for the construction of heavy duty shielding doors
Purchaser: NCBJ
Location: Poland
Purchaser: JEN Jülicher Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH
Location: Germany
Repair services of garments and textiles – huur en onderhoud werkkledij + pbm [rental and maintenance of work clothing and personal protective equipment]
Purchaser: SCK CEN
Location: Belgium
Purchase of the quadruped robot for mounting environmental monitoring radiation detector, 1 set
Purchaser: Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Location: Japan
Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) – supply of a gravimetric analyse device for jrc karlsruhe
Purchaser: European Commission, DG JRC - Joint Research Centre
Location: Germany
Replacement of permanent isolation controllers
Purchaser: Synchrotron Soleil
Location: France
Technical inspection and testing services – accord cadre pour des contrats d'expertises pour le lidec [expertise/testing services on materials, chemical analyses, etc - for the 'lidec' laboratory]
Purchaser: EDF
Location: France
Sensitive mats for measuring the stresses undergone by the concrete coating of the galleries of the underground laboratory (development, testing, supply, install)
Purchaser: ANDRA - Agence Nationale pour la gestion des Déchets Radioactifs
Location: France
Neutron detector beam loss monitors
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Fermilab
Location: USA
Generation 4 nuclear technologies for integration onto surface ships
Purchaser: Ministry of Defence
Location: UK
Operational health and safety (ohs) services
Purchaser: ITER Organization
Location: Not available
Quality source surveillance services
Purchaser: Bruce Power
Location: Canada
Interim agency services
Purchaser: ITER Organization
Location: Not available
Electrical works - eram facility (new warehouse)
Purchaser: BGE
Location: Germany
Sizewell c. fire consultancy works/067
Purchaser: Sizewell C Limited
Location: UK
Purchase of cascade impactor for measuring decontamination factor, 1 set
Purchaser: Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Location: Japan
Feh [far experimental hall]_reconfiguration_phase_1_project
Purchaser: Department of Energy - SLAC Natl Accel Lab
Location: USA
Tritium plant virtual control room
Purchaser: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Location: UK
Legal services – 24/01334 consultancy services 2 - international nuclear security - dsa [consultancy services - nuclear safety, radiation protection, environmental protection]
Purchaser: Norsk Helsenett SF
Location: Norway, Europe, Central Asia
Storage and warehousing services – externalisation des kits radiophar [supply of kits used for the production of galli eo / galli ad generators and storage of radiopharmaceutical production equipment]
Purchaser: Institut National des radioéléments
Location: Belgium
Impeller pumps – modernizacja układu pomp chłodzenia basenu reaktora maria [upgrading of pool cooling pump system - 'maria' reactor]
Purchaser: Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
Location: Poland
Non-radiological waste management
Purchaser: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Location: Australia
Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services – transport- / verpackungsleistungen im reststoffmanagement i (2025-2028) [packing of waste, transport services, etc]
Purchaser: KTE Kerntechnische Entsorgung Karlsruhe GmbH
Location: Germany
Electric motors, generators and transformers – magnet power supplies >120 w
Purchaser: Lunds universitet
Location: Sweden
Electric motors, generators and transformers – magnet power supplies <120 w
Purchaser: Lunds universitet
Location: Sweden
Freshwater radiological model
Purchaser: Food Standards Agency
Location: UK
Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work – desy neubau cast - schlosserarbeiten [new building 'cast' - metalwork]
Purchaser: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Location: Germany
Static converters – gara europea a procedura aperta soprasoglia per l'affidamento della fornitura di n. 700 (settecento) convertitori di potenza per i magneti correttori dell'anello di accumulazione di elettra 2.0 [power converters for the corrector magnets]
Purchaser: Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
Location: Italy
Maintenance of the gas analyzers - 'galaxie' facility (cadarache site)
Purchaser: IRSN
Location: France
Advisory and consultative engineering services – konsulttjänster inom radonutredning [radon surveys and consultancy etc]
Purchaser: Familjebostäder i Göteborg AB
Location: Sweden
Rental of construction vehicles/cranes
Purchaser: Sogin S.p.A.
Location: Italy
R&d management system/support (?)
Purchaser: Korea Institute of Fusion Energy
Location: Korea
Modernization of rooms for the needs of the stationary dosimetry system in the r2d building - 'maria' reactor
Purchaser: NCBJ
Location: Poland
Lbnf internal cryogenics
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Fermilab
Location: USA
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