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Cleaning services
Purchaser: CEA Saclay
Location: France

Installation of doors – clp-2.ta-a-025/08/24 schiebetüren [includes doors, with radiation protection - medical]
Purchaser: St. Josefs-Hospital Cloppenburg gGmbH
Location: Germany

Chemical compatibility testing (?)
Purchaser: National Nuclear Laboratory Limited
Location: UK

Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services – rv fachliche unterstützung und beratung der bge bei sicherheitsanalysen für die betriebs- und nachbetriebsphase von endlagern [safety analyses for the operational and post-operational phase of repositories, and safety investigations during site selection; support for site and waste characterisation and for container development; etc]
Purchaser: Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE)
Location: Germany

Mu2e target air handling and hepa system project
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Fermilab
Location: USA

Industrial machinery – модернизация на система 'мрежова вода към град козлодуй' [upgrading of water systems]
Location: Bulgaria

Ukaea visitor centre design & delivery
Purchaser: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Location: UK

Refuse skips - fourniture de poly bennes ampliroll de 12, 15 et 35 m3 ['ampliroll' skips]
Purchaser: CEA Cadarache
Location: France

Machines and apparatus with individual functions – laborator mobil cbrn - 1 complet
Purchaser: Inspectoratul General pentru Situatii de Urgenta
Location: Romania

Provision of grounds maintenance on the dounreay estate
Purchaser: Nuclear Restoration Services Limited (Dounreay)
Location: UK

Environmental safety services – prestations d'etudes, diagnostics et d'audit en radioprotection [radiation protection studies, expert services and audits (?)]
Location: France

Miscellaneous engineering services – ingenieurleistung radioaktive abfälle [engineering services for radioactive waste]
Purchaser: Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Location: Germany

Painting work – geb. 4113 sanierung irs - ve318 malerarbeiten [painting services - building 4113 renovation (radioecology and radiation protection)]
Purchaser: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover Stiftung
Location: Germany

Repair and maintenance services of cooler groups – vzdrževanje in servisiranje klimatov za obdobje 2025-27 [maintenance of air conditioners]
Purchaser: Nuklearna elektrarna Krško d.o.o.
Location: Slovenia

Geological prospecting services – epmu med tln - etude geotechnique des parois rocheuses [geotechnical study of rock walls]
Purchaser: MINARM/SGA/DCSID/ESID TOULON/Service achats infrastructure
Location: France

Heat-exchange units – modifikácia v uzle chladičov [heat exchangers (design, supply, install)(?)]
Purchaser: Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
Location: Slovakia

Provision of independent quality control and related services
Purchaser: ESKOM - Koeberg Nuclear Power Station
Location: South Africa

Particle accelerators – iron yokes for the solenoid and dipole magnets
Purchaser: Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
Location: Switzerland

Maritime security container adaptor frames
Purchaser: Nuclear Transport Solutions
Location: UK

Replacement for engine power section of emergency power generating equipment, 1 set
Purchaser: Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Location: Japan

Construction of the support bench for the 'rfq' cavity of the future linear accelerator - 'newgain' project
Purchaser: CEA Saclay
Location: France

Renovation of changing rooms (paint and floors) - building 18 (fontenay aux roses site)
Purchaser: CEA Saclay
Location: France

Miscellaneous special-purpose machinery – изграждане на нова азотна станция [construction of a new nitrogen station]
Location: Bulgaria

Audit/maintenance of window machine for replacing lead windows, upgrading of control panel
Purchaser: Institut National des radioéléments
Location: Belgium

Heat exchangers [for pip-ii ssrs and lb650 cryomodules]
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Fermilab
Location: USA

Transformers – доставка на първично и вторично оборудване за п19/220 и п10/110 във връзка с промяна на електрическата схема на захранване по „проект 35” [electrical equipment]
Location: Bulgaria

Beryllium oxide osl dosimetry system
Purchaser: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A.
Location: Romania

Production conductor for the eic detector solenoid
Purchaser: Department of Energy - Jefferson Lab
Location: USA

Technical analysis or consultancy services - ci2a - prestation de comptabilité pour les matières nucléaires [accounting service for nuclear materials]
Purchaser: ANDRA (Agence Nationale pour la gestion des Déchets Radioactifs)
Location: France

Works to improve of the ground water system of the shielded enclosure of unit 1
Purchaser: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A.
Location: Romania

Study of the thermal behaviour of drums containing a bitumen matrix/bituminous mix
Purchaser: CEA Marcoule
Location: France

Supply of the rebco hts tape for 'g-lead' hts superconducting magnet
Purchaser: CEA Saclay
Location: France

Detection and analysis apparatus – vmm3a/srs readout electronics for the gas detector
Purchaser: University of Helsinki
Location: Finland

Lcls-ii-he splitter assembly
Purchaser: Department of Energy - SLAC Natl Accel Lab
Location: USA

Renewal of the co2 extinguishing system
Purchaser: JEN Jülicher Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH
Location: Germany

Maintenance of air drying stations
Purchaser: Slovenske elektrarne, a.s.
Location: Slovakia

Supply of automatic platform for biological dosimetrye
Purchaser: IAEA
Location: Kazakhstan

Purchase of remote heavy equipment, control pc and sensors, 1 set (?)
Purchaser: Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Location: Japan

Calibration service of radiation monitoring instruments
Purchaser: National Research Foundation
Location: South Africa

Feasibility study on the employment of new technologies within the jrc-geel physical protection system
Purchaser: European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel
Location: Belgium

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