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SOGEFIBRE, the Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Container Specialist :
Our core business is to design and deploy effective long-lasting barriers to contain hazardous materials in order to protect the environment, today and for generations to come.
To accomplish this, SOGEFIBRE conceived and developed a unique technology : concrete reinforced with fibers whose main characteristics are a high resistance to outside forces and a high containment capacity.
This technology benefits from technical advances in the prefabricated concrete industry and in the nuclear industry.
Safety regulators and Organizations responsible for final disposal of nuclear waste have officially recognized the high performance quality of the fiber-reinforced concrete developed by SOGEFIBRE.
For more informations, please visit our website or

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 1 rue des Herons
Montigny le Bretonneux
St Quentin en Yvelines
Number of employees:50
Company type:Limited
Ownership 1:AREVA NC
Ownership 2:AREVA
Year created:1990
Capital:1 358 915 Euros
Qualifications:ISO 9002
Products: Transport and Containers:
Concrete containers
Disposal & storage containers (not for transport)
Industrial packages (IP1, IP-2 and IP-3)

Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
LLW/ILW waste treatment, conditioning and disposal equipment

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