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Teletrix Corp.

We Make Simulators -- Simulated Radiation Meters

The result for our customers - realism never before experienced in rad training. Programs from General Employee Training and Advanced Rad-Worker Training to First Responder Training and Emergency Preparedness Drills will never been the same.
Our simulators mimic actual radiation meters and operate in a simulated environment where radiation is not present, making rad training non-hazardous yet realistic.

An Excellent One-on-One Training Tool

An instructor remotely controls readings that a trainee interprets using the simulator, just as if there was radioactivity present. It forces the trainee to actually operate the simulator to achieve the proper readings. To get proper readings the range switch must be manipulated and range multipliers must be coordinated with the needle indication on the meter. Adjust zero on the meter for accuracy, set the proper response, set alarm levels, acknowledge alarms, verify proper high voltage, use a beta window properly, etc.

Automatic Control

Our simulators are model specific and represent a variety of radiation meters from many manufacturers. These meters are friskers, alpha meters, beta-gamma meters, tritium-in-air monitors, ìRem meters, high-range extension meters and more. Perfectly suited to any type of training, all have the ability to placed under automatic control using the Plume Tracker freeware package from Paul Holland which models plumes and automatically controls the simulators via GPS positioning from a laptop.

Train Like You Work

Without any exposure or risk. Make sure your trainees know how… when they really need to.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: One Boyce Park Center
Suite G
Pittsburgh, PA
Number of employees:6
Company type:Corporation
Year created:1988
Products: Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:

Health physics
Radiation detection and measurement
Training equipment

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