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Worcester Controls (UK) - Flowserve

Worcester Controls is a leading manufacturer of industrial ball valves, actuators and associated control equipment. It serves all major process companies from pharmaceutical to energy, food and beverage to petrochemical.
Worcester's ranges of standard 3-piece and flanged ball valves are regarded as the industry standard for their type. Used to control the major applications of air, gas, steam and a range of process chemicals, Worcester valves are generally controlled by Norbro pneumatic or electric actuators for both on-off and throttling control.
The company has a unique capability to develop products to meet specific requirements.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Flowserve Flow Control (UK) Ltd.
Burrell Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1TL
Products: Pumps / Valves / Pipes / Tubing:
Pumps, class 1 or equivalent
Pumps, class 2 or equivalent
Pumps, class 3 or equivalent
Valve Actuators: Electric
Valve Actuators: Pneumatic
Valve: Check
Valves: Ball
Valves: Control
Valves: Gate
Valves: Globe

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