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Scionix Holland B.V.

SCIONIX Holland B.V. is a company which designs and manufactures components for instruments for the detection of Nuclear Radiation based on the principle of scintillation.

SCIONIX is specialized in the design and manufacture of dedicated scintillation detectors, tailor-made to the specifications of the end-user. All known and generally available scintillation materials are employed ranging from organic plastic- and liquid scintillators to a great spectrum of inorganic scintillation crystals.

During the decade many thousands of scintillation detectors have been produced ranging from mm size crystal arrays to 75 cm long gamma camera plates.

The main fields in which we are active are Science, Medicine and Industry. Some areas are Environmental Physics, Nuclear and High Energy Physics , Space Research, Medical Research and Security.

SCIONIX maintains relations with a great number of universities and companies where research in the application of scintillation materials and detector techniques is conducted.

Keywords in our business model are high quality, partnership and flexibility with the aim to establish and ensure long lasting relationships with our customers.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Regulierenring 5
The Netherlands
3981 LA
Country:The Netherlands
Year created:2003
Products: Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Scintilliation cristals
Scintilliation detectors

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