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INVAP is a technology company established in 1976 that develops multi-discipline technological projects in the nuclear, space, industrial services, medicine and education fields. Following specific customer requirements, INVAP generates services or products ranging from consultancy to the supply of turn-key plants. The company is capable of engaging in all stages of a project, namely: feasibility studies, development, design, engineering, supply, manufacture, construction, start-up, operation and post-sale services.
INVAP has built several Nuclear Research Reactors as well as important parts of others, in Argentina, Peru, Algeria and Egypt. On July 2000 INVAP was awarded an international tender for the construction of a Replacement Research Reactor by ANSTO, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: F. P. Moreno 1089 - C.C. 961
Río Negro
Number of employees:350
Company type:State own
Ownership 1:100% Province of Rio Negro
subsidiaries:INVAP Egypt Branch (Inshas Egypt)
INVAP Sydney Branch (Lucas Heights, Australia)

Black River Technology, Inc. (Merrillville, USA)
INVAP do Brasil Ltda, Sao Pablo, Brazil)
INVAP Ingenieria SA (Bariloche, Argentina)

Year created:1976
Qualifications:ISO 9000
Products: Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste:
Enrichment technology and engineering
Environmental impact assessment
Fuel assemblies: research reactors
Fuel racks
Spent fuel storage casks
Spent fuel storage construction
Spent fuel storage design and engineering
Spent fuel storage, dry
Uranium conversion to UF6
Uranium enrichment, gaseous diffusion plants

Irradiation / Sources / Accelerators:
Irradiation services, gamma

Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Full scale thermohydraulics loops
Glove box/Hoods equipment
Hot cells
Hot cells manipulators and robotics
Hot laboratory and associated equipment
In-pile test loop
Mass Spectrometers
Out-of-pile test loop

Radiotherapy equipment

Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Air monitors
Coolant activity/monitoring systems
Cooling water outlet monitoring
Fission chambers
Gate monitors
Ion chambers
Radiation detection engineering
Radiation monitoring gates for cars/trucks
Turnkey radiation detection systems
Ventilation radiation monitoring

Nuclear industry traning
Training equipment

Transport and Containers:
Containers for fresh fuel elements
Containers/casks handling equipment
Disposal & storage containers (not for transport)
Spent fuel storage and shipping casks

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