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Expert in training and engineering, CORYS T.E.S.S. is specialised in training consultancy and develops training tools ranging from computer based training applications to full scale replica simulators.
In the power industry field (and electrical power systems), CORYS T.E.S.S. offers basic principles, multifunction and replica training simulators for nuclear power plants, fossil power plants in simple and combined cycle, for cogeneration units and diesel generators. For electrical transmission and distribution networks and dispatching centres, CORYS T.E.S.S. provides the latest technology in connected and stand-alone simulators and network configurators. Plant analysers and engineering simulators are developed for specific applications.
In the railway transport field (passenger, freight, underground, tram driving and traffic control), CORYS T.E.S.S. offers a complete range of turnkey railway training solutions from full motion replica train driving simulators with Computer Generated Images to computer based training consultancy for railway operators, manufacturers and authorities world-wide.
CORYS T.E.S.S. projects are developed by teams of highly qualified engineers. The emphasis is put on the fidelity of its real-time models and the efficiency of its simulator software development workshops. With more than 120 simulators installed throughout the world, CORYS T.E.S.S. ranks among the world leaders in simulation and training.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 74 rue des Martyrs
GRENOBLE cedex 1
Number of employees:130
Company type:SA
Ownership 1:66% TRACTEBEL
Ownership 2:30% TECHNICATOME
subsidiaries:CORYS TESS Inc. Chicago - USA

Year created:1997
Capital:2 286 000 Euro
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Human factor
Nuclear engineering
System engineering
Upgrading engineering and services

Training center for maintenance operations
Training equipment

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