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Genassis, Inc.

Genassis, Inc. maintains a large inventory of surplus instrumentation, electrical and mechanical equipment used by nuclear power plants. We also assist utilities in the liquidation of their surplus equipment and locating equipment if it is not in our inventory. Please visit our web site to review our capabilities and download selected inventory files.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: P.O. Box 54233
San Jose, CA
Number of employees:2
Company type:corporation
Ownership 1:100% private
Year created:1997
Products: Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
Air monitoring and samplers
Whole Body Counters

Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Air monitors
Alpha detectors
Beta detectors
Gamma detectors
Ion chambers
Neutron flux measurement/mapping systems
Off-gas monitoring
Proportional counters
Scintilliation detectors
Signal/pulse generators
Ventilation radiation monitoring
Waste radiation monitoring

Power Plant Electrical Devices:
Circuit breakers
Electric motors
Electrical replacement parts (OEMs)
Generators: Diesel
Generators: Mobile diesel
Generators: Standby gas turbine
Power distribution: High voltage systems
Power distribution: Low voltage (120, 240 VAC, 260 VAC)
Power distribution: Medium voltage (480 VAC)
Power supplies
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)

Power Plant Instrumentation and Control:
Alarm systems
Boron concentration
Control panels
Control rod position
Hydrogen in water
Instrumentation for accidental conditions
Instrumentation for normal operation
Level monitoring
Oxygen in water
Process instrumentation & control equipment
Turbine instrumentation

Power Plant Materials and Equipment (others):
Cranes and lifting equipment
Feedwater heaters (high pressure)
Feedwater heaters (low pressure)
Gas detection and analysers
Gas process equipment
Heat exchangers
Heat exchangers: Gas/Water
Heat exchangers: water/water
Pressure vessels (other than reactor)
Seals and Gaskets
Storage tanks
Surplus equipment sale
Used equipment sale

Pumps / Valves / Pipes / Tubing:
Piping, class 1 or equivalent
Pump: Centrifugal
Pump: Diaphragm
Pump: High pressure
Pump: Submersible
Pump: Turbine feedwater
Pumps, class 1 or equivalent
Pumps: Air sampling
Pumps: Sodium
Pumps: Vaccum
Seals (pumps and valves)
Valve Actuators: Electric
Valve Actuators: Gear
Valve Actuators: Hydraulic
Valve Actuators: Manual
Valve Actuators: Pneumatic
Valve Actuators: Rotary
Valve interlocks
Valve: Check
Valves, class 1 or equivalent
Valves: Ball
Valves: Bellows
Valves: Butterfly
Valves: Control
Valves: diaphragm
Valves: Fast operating
Valves: Gate
Valves: Globe
Valves: High Pressure
Valves: Isolation
Valves: Main steam isolation
Valves: Manifold
Valves: Needle
Valves: Needle
Valves: Plug
Valves: Pressure relief
Valves: Pressure seals
Valves: Safety, relief
Valves: Sodium
Valves: Solenoid
Valves: Steam
Valves: Stop check
Valves: Vacuum

Reactors, NSSS Main Components:
Auxiliary systems heat exchangers
Auxiliary systems pumps, high pressure
Auxiliary systems pumps, low pressure
BWR recirculation pumps
Reactor control rods, drives and mechanisms
Reactor coolant pumps
Safety and relief valves
Steam Generators and associated components

Training equipment

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