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ZAT a.s.

ZAT a.s., Czech Republic is the largest original producer and provider of control system solutions. ZAT was established in 1992 on the base of former enterprise Zavod Automatizacni techniky Pribram that produced and delivered control systems under branch name DIAMO. First deliveries were started in 1966 and they were focused to area of deep mines, than due highest quality and customer satisfaction the delivery portfolio was extended to power generation industry, chemical industry, open cast mines and to the other branches. In the present time, ZAT a.s. is the prosperous company with defined vision into process control industry. The company covers all services - feasibility studies, basic design, detail engineering, development, manufacturing, assembling of the control system including instrumentation, installation at the site, commissioning and after-sales services. According to some customer´s wishes ZAT delivers turn-key solutions of control systems or control systems of the other world´s producers. The actual ZAT control systems delivery portfolio includes Power Generation and District Heating Industry, Chemical Industry, Gas Industry, Open Cast Mining environment protection and many others. The original control know-how of ZAT´s engineers is used in projects for many international companies, both end-users and general contractors. ZAT a.s. is company with own solution and original know-how, with own offices abroad and shared offices from strategic partners worldwide.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: K Podlesi 541
Pribram VI
261 80
Country:Czech Republic
Number of employees:237
Company type:joint-stock company
Ownership 1:42.12% DORONICUM
Ownership 2:27.56% SAGUM
Ownership 3:30.32% others
subsidiaries:Cihelny Kryry, joint-stock company (100%)
Address: Na Roudne 29, 301 00 Plzen, Czech Republic

ZAT Easy Control Systems, joint-stock company (100%)
Address: Vejprnicka 56, 318 02 Plzen, Czech Republic

Year created:1962
Capital:5,342,000 USD
Products: Power Plant Instrumentation and Control:
Alarm systems
Control panels
Data Acquisition Systems
Data processing systems
Heat and radiation resistant cables and fiber optics
I&C systems engineering
Instrumentation for accidental conditions
Instrumentation for normal operation
Instrumentation testing/calibration/repair
Level monitoring
Pool level monitoring systems
Process instrumentation & control equipment
Reactor water level monitoring
Safety Parameter Display Systems
Steam Generator level monitoring
Turbine instrumentation
Water detection sensors

Maintenance optimization
Training equipment

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