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SDMS has been present on all main nuclear sites for the last 30 years. Craftsmen are qualified to work under hostile conditions.
The various CEA centers, COGEMA and its subsidiaries, EDF and FRAMATOME are the main client in this sector. SDMS has acquired an unique experience in producing packagings for radioactive products and has produced many glove boxes.
In collaboration with CEA (French Energy Atomic Commission), SDMS has developed B(U) type packagings for radioactive liquid waste transportation.
The compagny designs, manufactures and checks complete LR54, LR56 tankers and ion exchange resin transport tanks.
SDMS regularly produces storage and transport packagings (including baskets and shock absorbers covers). SDMS master also all the techniques needed to make special thermal and neutronic shielding.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: ZI les Condamines
Number of employees:100
Company type:Inc.
Year created:1962
Capital:1 114 000 €
Products: Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Glove box/Hoods equipment

Power Plant Materials and Equipment (others):
Contract manufacturer

Transport and Containers:
B type container

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