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Created in 1961 to develop solutions to the problem of Industrial and Medical Radioactive Wastes (outside of fuel cycle). Radon is now in charge of repositories in 16 regions covering the Russian territory. Radon is especially active in the central region where 80% of Industrial and Medical LLW is generated and ensure radioological safety of the city of Moscow where radioactive dumps are still a problem and are discovered regularly. The Company covers accepting, transporting, processing and storing the waste. As a result, it employs 250 people doing research and development.

Radon does not cover for military organisations and NPPs.

Radon is independent from Minatom.

The main repository is in Sergiyev Posad (100km from Moscow) - Tel (09654) 62-667

Director: Dr A. I. Sobolev Tel: +7 095 919 3192

Radon can supply under specific circumstances waste treatment equipment and technologies such as Incineration, plasma treatment, filtration, sorption and oxydation of liquid waste.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 7-Rostovski per. 2/14
Products: Cleaning / Decontamination:
Soil remediation (cleaning/decontamination)

Laboratory, Test and Research Reactor Equipment:
Analytical Laboratory Services
Hot laboratory services
Laboratory services

Transport and Containers:
Packaging design and engineering
Transport management consultancy

Waste (other than Fuel and High Level):
Characterisation services
collection and handling services
Dewatering systems
Incinerators: fluidized bed
Incinerators: rotary kiln
Ion exchange
Ion exchange Resin treatment
Liquid radwaste treatment
Liquid treatment using precipitation
LLW/ILW waste treatment, conditioning and disposal equipment
LLW/ILW waste treatment, conditioning services
LLW/ILW waste disposal services
Milling, grinding, crushing
Mixed waste
Plasma furnaces
Repository site design and engineering
Thermal degradation testing
Thermoplastic microencapsulation (includes bitumen)
Waste engineering
Waste management consultant & engineering
Waste management systems design

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