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Bently Nevada, LLC

Bently Nevada is a leading supplier of systems and services for protecting and managing rotating machinery. With broad experience in nuclear power plants, Bently Nevada can address turbine generators with turbine supervisory instrumentation and rotordynamic / thermodynamic condition monitoring solutions. The company's monitoring solutions also address cooling tower fans, reactor coolant pumps, feedwater pumps, and other rotating machinery found in nuclear plants. In addition to transducers (some specifically designed for nuclear environments), software, and permanent/portable instrumentation for machinery protection and management, Bently Nevada provides a broad scope of services including system integration, project management, cabinet fabrication, machinery diagnostics, machinery asset risk assessment, and others. Bently Nevada has comprehensive capabilities to design and install power generation instrumentation with over 20 years of experience and hundreds of turnkey installations worldwide. Bently Nevada is also recognized as a leading authority on the detection and prevention of shaft crack, a problem commonly encountered on reactor coolant pumps. Bently Nevada has a network of over 100 offices in the principal industrial centers of 43 countries.

Address: 1631 Bently Parkway South
Number of employees:1500
Company type:Limited Liability Corporation
Ownership 1:Subsidiary of General Electric Company
Year created:1961
Qualifications:ISO 9001
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Plant performance

Power Plant Instrumentation and Control:
Data Acquisition Systems
Data processing systems
Instrumentation for accidental conditions
Instrumentation for normal operation
Loose parts monitoring
Turbine instrumentation
Vibration - Seismic

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