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Industrial Tomography Systems

Industrial Tomography Systems (ITS) is the only company in the world supplying this technology and is sought out be research groups around the world to supply it. It has a number of projects in the UK nuclear sector, including a system installed in the Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (Thorp).

Process tomography is a new and powerful tool for monitoring wet processes.

It combines state of the art electronics and software with simple and robust sensors to rapidly scan through process pipes and vessels.

The result is that sensors can be sited in chemically / radioactive aggressive zones that is used to provide information on:

o Mixing: when is something mixed; when is a slurry homogeneous?
o Interfaces: how much solids are brought up from the bottom of a tank; where are they and how do they settle?
o Reactions: when and where does crystallisation commence; how rapidly does a reaction proceed; how do conditions vary in a vessel?
o Flow: how do solids move in hydraulic conveying; how well does liquid flow through a packed bed?

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Speakers House
39 Deansgate
M3 2BA
Number of employees:8
Company type:Plc
Ownership 1:n/a

Year created:1997
Qualifications:ISO 9001

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