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Granta Design Ltd

We are the materials information technology experts. At Granta Design, we work closely with our customers and partners to specify, develop, and deliver software, materials data, and materials database solutions that help you improve quality, innovation, and efficiency, while reducing risk and cost. Our technology and expertise originate in Cambridge University and are reinforced through extensive industry partnerships. We help enterprises manage, analyze, and apply critical data in the engineering process. We also provide the world's leading teaching resource for materials and process education. In nuclear applications, safety and quality are paramount in your use of materials. This demands rigor in managing and using materials information - for example, ensuring that design data can be traced to its source. Such requirements are met by our GRANTA MI system. Energy generation, whether from fossil fuels, wind, or nuclear, can place substantial demands on materials. The same is true of other nuclear engineering applications Materials must meet requirements for strength, fatigue, and other mechanical and thermal properties reliably over many years, sometimes under extreme conditions. It is essential that materials engineers and designers have the right information and apply it effectively to make the right materials and process choices. But it can be difficult to manage in-house test and QA data efficiently, and to retain and re-use materials knowledge, particularly when projects may run for decades. Yet such information management is vital – both to ensure ‘traceability’ of design decisions for regulatory purposes and to enable the best results in maintenance and new design. Granta can help

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Rustat House
62 Clifton Road

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