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Golder Associates (Canada)

Golder Associates is an employee-owned international group of consulting companies specialising in providing geotechnical engineering and environmental science services for civil engineering and natural resource projects.Founded in Canada in 1960, Golder Associates employs more than 2,300 individuals in over 80 offices throughout North America, Europe, Australia, South America and Asia. Over the past three decades, Golder Associates has gained extensive experience in diverse fields through the successful completion of hundreds of projects. Our company has developed strong and loyal relationships with clients, evident in the fact that 89 percent of our services are for repeat business with existing clients. Through our close working relationship with clients, our professionals have gained a strong understanding of the complex environments in which industry operates. Golder Associates prides itself on being highly responsive, placing our clients’ interests at the forefront of all projects.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 2390 Argentia Road
Mississauga, Ontario
L5N 5Z7
Ownership 1:employee owned
Year created:1960
Products: Analysis, Consultancy, Specialist Services:
Site selection and characterization

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