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Senstar GmbH (Germany)

Senstar GmbH is the world's leading supplier of outdoor perimeter intrusion detection systems for commercial, government and defence applications. We specialise in fixed and portable systems that provide early warning of intrusions to a secured area, thus reducing the risk of theft, vandalism and sabotage. In many instances, these systems reduce end-user operating and liability risks and provide a rapid return on investment.
Our products are used for a wide variety of security applications, including: aircraft and airports, prisons, military bases, nuclear facilities, electric and gas utilities, parked vehicles, industrial sites and VIP residences. Current installations range in length from 50 m to 27 km. We protect some of the most prominent facilities and people in the world.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Riedheimer Strasse 8
Company type:GmbH
Year created:1997
Products: Access control / Security / Fire protection:
CCTV systems
Electronic alarm systems
Intrusion detection

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