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China Topper Forged Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd.

Topper Forged Valve Company, established in 1988, specializes in the manufacture of forged steel valves. Products of Topper Company include forged steel ball vales, forged steel check valves, forged steel gate valves, forged steel globe valves, forged integral flanged valves and forged steel strainers with various features and functions. We cultivate a great team concentrating on forged steel valve manufacture and obtain a great reputation from our customers since we have reliable forged steel valve products with the most competitive prices. We have long-term friendship and partnership with our customers based on our forged steel valves with high standards and stringent quality control systems. Our products serve customers from 40 countries, including USA, UK, Germany, Italy, Iran and Singapore. Through a variety of excellent working performance, our forged steel valves are proved that they can help to not only save your money, but also simplify your working life.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: NO. 111,Caoli Road,Fengjing Town,Jinshan District
Number of employees:500
Company type:Limited company
2010 turnover:150000000
2011 turnover:250000000
2012 turnover:600000000
Ownership 1:50%
Ownership 2:30%
Ownership 3:20%
Ownership 4:10%
subsidiaries:To ensure our valves conform to quality assurance controls;
To ensure timely delivery of valves and the expected quality of each supply;
To offer customized services and value addition to our customers;
To advance in design and manufacture of our valves.

Year created:2004

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