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NUSS (Nuclear Services & Supplies Rost Ges.m.b.H.)

Company Description:

Nuclear Services & Supplies is a privately owned enterprise, dealing in the field of nuclear technologies, monitoring of ionizing radiation, health-physics, dosimetry and radiation protection.

The Austrian company was established in 1989 as a successor to Marzy & Rost GmbH who – under different ownership – worked in the same field for over 15 years.

Nuclear Services & Supplies, also addressed as NUSS maintains their European headquarters in Moedling, near Vienna, Austria and the U.S. office in Melbourne, Florida, USA, where a manufacturing facility for vapor detectors (explosives and drugs) is established in a joint venture.

Beside the supply of instruments and systems for the nuclear industry, for hospitals, universities and research centers and turn-key-projects for industrial and medical applications, NUSS also provides expertise service in the field of radiation monitoring, radiation protection and other health-physics related matters. A highly qualified and motivated team of engineers is available for nuclear related missions throughout the world.

NUSS is fully licensed, bonded and insured to provide calibration services for almost all types of nuclear instruments, monitors and dosimeters. Different types of sources are available for calibration purposes and a well equipped laboratory can provide repair-services for all type of nuclear electronics.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: P.O. Box 40
Number of employees:6
Company type:Ltd. (GmbH)
Ownership 1:100% private
subsidiaries:Nuclear Services & Supplies of America
425-A Pineda Court
Melbourne, Florida 32940-7508
Phone: +1(321) 752 9971
Fax: +1(321) 259 7979

Year created:1989
Capital:ATS 500,000
Products: Civil Engineering:
Civil engineering

Health Physics (other than Radiation Detection):
Air monitoring and samplers
Alpha/Beta shielding
General HP supplies
Hand held monitoring equipment
HP services
Lead glass/plastic and shielding windows
Lead shielding
Local ventilation/High efficiency filtering systems
Monitors, hand feet body surface
Neutron dosimeters and associated services
Personnal decontamination equipment
Protective clothing
Radioprotection planning, analysis and engineering
Respiratory protection equipment
Shielding engineering and design
Swipes/Wipe test counters
Tape, Labels & Signs
Temporary contamination control enclosures
Tritium monitoring

Nuclear Instrumentation and Radiation Detection:
Air monitors
Alpha detectors
Alpha/Beta counting systems
Bags radiation monitoring
Beta detectors
Fission chambers
Gamma detectors
Gate monitors
Ion chambers
Laundry radiation monitoring
Mobile radiological monitoring laboratory
Neutron beam monitors
Neutron flux measurement/mapping systems
Off-site radioactivity monitoring system
Proportional counters
Radiation detection engineering
Radiation monitoring gates for cars/trucks
Radon detection
Reactor power
Scintilliation cristals
Scintilliation detectors
Testing, Calibration, Maintenance
Tool monitors
Turnkey radiation detection systems
Vehicle monitors
Waste radiation monitoring
X-ray detection and measurement

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