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B.G.I. Tooling, Co

B.G.I. Tooling, Co., is a privately owned and growing design and machining service company that carries its own line of tooling specifically for the Nuclear Power Industry. We have worked closely with the B.W.R. Nuclear Power Plants, providing them with our state-of-the-art tools, which have been recoqnized by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Our tools were designed specifically for the Nuclear Power Industry. Their size, shape and form are made to suit the nuclear worker and to provide simple and fast operation with their safety in mind. We have provided B.W.R. Plants with our complete state-of-the-art tool kit to disassemble/assemble CRD's effectively within a low dose frame, thereby reducing a 30 minute maintenance task under high radiation to 7 minutes. Visit us at

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 31w325 Wolsfeld Rd
Elgin, IL
Number of employees:6
Company type:privately owned
Year created:1990
Products: Power Plant Materials and Equipment (others):
Contract manufacturer
Prototyping services

Specialised Inspection and Maintenance:
BWR shroud repair and replacement
Control rod drives and mechanisms
Control rods inspection
RPV flange
RPV head disassembly/reassembly
RPV stuck stud removal
SG bolt/stud/hole repair
SG sleeving
SG tube plugging/unplugging
SG tube plugs
SG tube pulling

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