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Safe Technologies

Safe Technologies is a French company located in the vicinity of Aix en Provence (South of France), owned by private people without any link with any industrial manufacturers,

Safe Technologies employees have developed their expertise among the major players of the nuclear field.
We worked today either for governmental research center (CEA), major group like AREVA or small companies involved in radiation measurements.

Safe Technologies’ main field of expertise is nuclear measurement. From physical studies to in situ testing, as well as modeling and developing measurement systems, Safe Technologies has developed a comprehensive and deep experience in Nuclear Instrumentation and equipments dedicated to nuclear measurement.

Nuclear spectrometry system (detectors, software, electronic) for gamma en neutron detection
MCNP calculation (neutron and gamma)

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: Arbois Méditerranéee
le village entreprise
avenue louis philibert
aix en provence
Number of employees:5
Company type:Limited
Year created:2007

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