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Ceradyne Boron Products (formerly Eagle Picher Boron)

Established in the early 1970s under EaglePicher Boron and recently acquired by Ceradyne, Inc., Ceradyne Boron Products, LLC (Ceradyne Boron) supplies neutron absorbing and reflecting components in materials utilizing enriched 10Boron and 11Boron isotopes.

The 10Boron isotope is a strong neutron absorber and is used for both nuclear waste containment and nuclear power plant neutron radiation control. The company also produces complementary chemical isotopes used in the normal operation and control of nuclear power plants.
Nuclear Power Plant Chemistries:
Enriched Boric Acid (EBA)
Enriched Sodium Pentaborate
Depleted Zinc
7Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate
Enriched Boron Carbide

Ceradyne Boron is located in Quapaw, Oklahoma where safety, innovation and quality are emphasized. The company is well-known for its ability to engineer products to suit unique customer applications, and where specialists are particularly adept at solving problems for the demanding nuclear and semiconductor industries.

Ceradyne Boron is the only commercially viable global enriched boron processor and is the largest Boron isotope enrichment facility in the world.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: P.O. Box 798
Quapaw, OK
Products: Neutron Absorbers:
B-10 enriched boric acid
B-10 enriched boron carbide
B-10 enriched boron nitride
B-10 enriched boron oxide
B-10 enriched iron boride
B-10 enriched iron boride (Ferroboron)
B-10 sodium pentaborate
Borated aluminium
Boric acid
Boric acid recovery equipment
Boron carbide
Boron containing alloys
Boron nitride
Boron oxide
Burnable poisons for reactor fuel
Iron boride
Manufacture of neutron absorbing components
Sodium pentaborate

Power Plant Materials and Equipment (others):
Zinc and depleted zinc products

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