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Senstar-Stellar, Inc. (USA)

Senstar-Stellar is the world’s leading supplier of outdoor perimeter intrusion detection products that provide early warning of intrusions, and reduce the risk of theft, vandalism, harm, sabotage, kidnapping and escape. Senstar-Stellar’s product line includes buried cable sensors, microphonic fence sensors, electrostatic field sensors, microwave sensors, video intrusion detection sensors, infrared LED illuminators and system integration tools. With over 20 years experience, we protect people and facilities in over 65 countries worldwide through our extensive knowledge in the proper design, manufacture, integration and support of high performance outdoor security systems. Senstar-Stellar offers quality products, special services and proven security solutions to our customers. The company, which is ISO 9002 registered, has operations in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Mexico.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Address: 43180 Osgood Rd.
Fremont, CA
Products: Access control / Security / Fire protection:
CCTV systems
Electronic alarm systems
Intrusion detection

Power Plant Instrumentation and Control:

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