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Friotherm engineers, manufactures, installs and services heat pumps and chillers with technologies and solutions that help clients to improve their business. Friotherm is recognized as the only Europena manufacturer of centrifugal compressors for heat pumps and chillers.
The activities of Friotherm are supported by a world wide sales and service networks.
Friotherm specialities
Heat pumps and liquid chillers
- District heating and district cooling
- High temperature applications
- Energy recovery from waste water
- Energy recovery from flue gas cleaning
- Ground and surface water exploitation
- Industrial waste heat recovery
- Safety classified chillers for nuclear industry

Friotherm ist the N°1 for supply and qualification of safety related chillers for the nuclear industry.

Success is a matter of details

As an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) with over 80 years of experience in developing, engineering and manufacturing turbo compressors, Friotherm is committed to reliability and quality.

The Uniturbo® compressors as well as the entire control systems are engineered and manufactured in the company's own works in Winterthur, Switzerland. Fabrication of heat exchangers, pressure vessels and skids is possible in the country of destination; this in case our clients consider locally manufactured content as an asset.

Our customers
Customers of Friotherm are companies in the field of Energy production and distribution, namely for district heating (DH) and district cooling (DC), nuclear power stations, chemical and petrochemical industries, as well as industries in the production sector.
All of these clients have one common goal: they need heating energy and chilled water just in time - without worries.

Main email:to send an email to this company click here
Number of employees:100
Company type:Limited
2010 turnover:20 000 000 €
2011 turnover:25 000 000
2012 turnover:25 000 000
Year created:2005

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